Dark mode for Facebook is the most awaiting feature, but now it finally started to arrive. Now you can enjoy a more safe and stylish social experience. Also, researchers found that the dark pixel uses significantly less battery as compared to white ones.
Dark Mode for Facebook
If you are a part of the testing group you can see a notification in your’s Facebook, asking you to choose between light and dark design. And id you don’t see such notification then don’t worry soon this option is available worldwide. But remember this notification is only available to those people who use the latest versions of Chrome browser on their desktops.
There is another simple way to enable dark mode just simply type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark into the address bar after the Facebook URL and Google chrome will flag its dark mode. But remember this is not a user-friendly way to stay in a dark mode in certain websites.
In the case of Android and iOS devices, Facebook’s dark mode didn’t come yet. The dark mode for Facebook on Android and iOS devices have been under development since August 2019. A well-known app researcher Jane Manchun Wong writes in its tweet, “Facebook is working on Dark Mode for Mobile”.
So, then you can experience dark side on your phone by using Google Chrome, just type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark into the address bar and the ‘Android web contents dark mode’ flag to enable mode. But dark mode for Facebook messenger, twitter and Linkedin is already available you can enjoy the real dark mode experience in these social apps.
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