Qualcomm introduces the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus processor, a more affordable option for entry-level laptops. It has less CPU cache and GPU power, resulting in 50% worse graphics performance and 20% lower CPU tasks compared to the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite.
Qualcomm’s 8-core Snapdragon X Plus processor has officially launched, bringing more options for laptop manufacturers to offer budget-friendly devices.
The processor sits below the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite and 10-core Snapdragon X Plus models, featuring the same architecture but with notable limitations. Graphics performance is weaker, making it an ideal choice for entry-level laptops.
Qualcomm claims that the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus has a 30MB CPU cache and less than half the GPU power compared to the more powerful options. Benchmarks indicate that graphics performance will be about 50% worse, while CPU tasks will be around 20% slower than the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite.
However, this means that laptops equipped with the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus will be even more affordable than ever before. For instance, the Asus Vivobook S 15 is expected to start at around $899 with this processor, while devices featuring the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite will begin at $1,300. The Dell Inspiron 14 will also be priced at $899 due to the new processor.