From the last previous years, there is a great battle between Apple and Chinese tech giant Huawei. And from the last previous years, Apple is the king in the phone Market. Now, Huawei’s sale rate increases and Huawei has recaptured second place with a staggering 50,3 percent unit increase.

Huawei’s sale rate increases
But Samsung still moved up in the first quarter than Huawei at around 71.9 million versus 59.1 million. The Chinese firm sits at an estimated market share of 19 percent (a 7.2 point increases) while Samsung is at 23.1 percent. And now I think in few years Huawei has come to overtaking Samsung and Apple.
Huawei became the No.2 smartphone company
In April 2019 Huawei has announced that shipments of its smartphones have exceeded 200 million units. In recent months, Huawei became the No. 2 supplier of smartphones in the market. Huawei making remarkable progress since it entered this market eight years ago.
In the beginging, Huawei faces much loss especially between 2010 and 2014. But with the passage of time demand of Huawei smartphones in the market increses. Huawei’s compound annual growth rate in revenues was 26 percent from 2014-2018. Now more people around the world buy Huawei smartphones because they have good quality and Durable mobile phones and also have a long guarantee time.
Is the US government is an obstacle on the way of Huawei?
In the previous month Liang Hua, chairman of Huawei said “The US government’s attack on Huawei has made our mission clearer, the Trump administration has been lobbying its allies to block Huawei from building their 5G networks, fearing its equipment could be used by Beijing for spying. And put the Huawei on the Entity List. And this causes some impact on our development. but the scope is controllable.”
Due to this ban, Huwaei announced a fall in smartphone sales of 40 percent. Now the company back again to its 80 percent of the smartphone sales performance.