In today’s era, Facebook is the king of all social media networks. According to the report of March 2019, facebook users exceed 2.5 billion monthly.

I think everyone knows about this social media platform. And day by day Facebook traffic increases. Because this app provides more sociality than other ones. Also, a huge amount of businessmen looking for such a platform for their business marketing, from where they can get tones of traffic on a daily basis. And facebook provides such a platform. So this is also the main reason behind the increasing traffic of facebook.
And one of another major factor behind this increasing traffic of facebook is that it provides a user-friendly environment. Even a nine or ten-year-old child can easily use it. You can easily do a post, type a comment, share posts, react on posts and much more in a very simple manner. One of another factor which increases facebook traffic is that it has a group feature in it that is not found on Instagram and some other social media platforms.
Daily active Facebook users
Do you know the daily active users on Facebook? their number is higher than you think. According to Alexa( a platform which shows the rank of websites all around the world), there are billions of websites on the internet world, among these billion sites facebook is on number 3 position and it is more used by the people of United States. And it gets 25% of traffic from youtube, 22.4% of traffic from LinkedIn, 18% from twitter, 15% from Instagram, while rest are from other sources.

Latest information about Facebook
Now let’s talk about daily active users and some secrets information about facebook
- According to the report of June 2019, 1.5 billion people on average log onto facebook.
- And most common user’s ages are between 25 to 34 years.
- According to an estimate a new facebook account is created after every second.
- Now one thing that surprised me that 76% of women used Facebook(out of 100% of all females) and 66% male(out of all males).
- Highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm.
- And on Thursday and Friday, engagement is 18% higher.
- And do you know that about 83 million profiles on Facebook are fake?
- A total of 300 million photos is uploaded per day.
- About every minute 510,000 comments are posted.
- And the younger generation uses this social media platform more than elders approximately 50% of 18-20 years-olds go on facebook when they wake up.
So you can guess how Facebook progressing day by day. Now in a few days, I will write an article about the revenue of Facebook.
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